Did you know that garlic can reduce the risk of cancer? Although many people dislike the smell, garlic has therapeutic effects. In addition to lowering cholesterol and hyperglycemia, it also thins blood and prevents angina. Read on to learn more about these benefits of garlic. You may be surprised to know that some of these benefits are actually backed by research. Here are top benefits of Garlic supplement that you should know.
Reduces hyperglycemia
A recent study has found that a natural supplement called Eriomin reduces the occurrence of hyperglycemia by increasing the secretion of GLP-1. This compound is especially beneficial for people with moderate to severe levels of hyperglycemia. Figure 2 shows the sequence of events before and after Eriomin supplementation. This study was supported by Ingredients by Nature. The Sao Lucas Clinical Analysis Laboratory provided technical assistance.

Lowers cholesterol
Several sources of saturated fat are high in cholesterol, and lowering your consumption of these products is important for heart health. Fatty meats, such as marbled steak, are particularly high in saturated fat, and the American Heart Association recommends limiting red meat intake. In addition to red meat, a diet that is low in red meat also cuts down on processed meats, such as salami, which contain high levels of salt and preservatives. Lastly, avoid fried foods, which are typically fried in highly processed oils that contain trans fats.
Thins blood
You’ve probably heard that garlic thins blood. But did you know that it can also interact with your daily blood thinners? The two can have dangerous interactions, and if you take garlic daily, you could end up with blood that doesn’t clot properly or even get lightheaded. Garlic can help reduce high blood pressure and reduce the occurrence of fits of course. This medicinal herb can also be taken in the form of powder, oil, and capsules. It is even known to kill bacteria in the body.
Lowers angina
Various types of angina can be dangerous. These conditions often occur due to clogged arteries and buildup of fatty substances in the blood. Using medicines to lower angina symptoms can help prevent a heart attack. Symptoms of angina vary from person to person, so it is important to determine what you are experiencing. Here are some common causes. Let’s take a look at these three types of angina.
Lowers blood pressure
A few foods are known to reduce blood pressure, including broccoli, tomatoes, prunes, and orange juice. These foods also contain other beneficial nutrients, including potassium. Vitamins C and E are also beneficial, as they contain antioxidants that protect the lining of blood vessels. Potassium is a mineral that helps lower blood pressure. People with hypertension should discuss the benefits of certain vitamins and minerals with their doctor. Some people find that vitamins can help lower their blood pressure, while others do not experience any reduction.
Improves exercise performance
A coordinated response of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems during physical exercise is reflected in exercise performance. Gradually increasing heart rate and arterial pressure lead to graded increases in cardiac output and myocardial contractility, a rapid increase in respiratory rate and changes in blood composition. The responses of the central nervous system to these changes are mediated by direct cortical input and neural feedback from the exercising muscles. This neural control is mediated by characteristic increases in sympathetic and reciprocal decreases in para-sympathetic stimulation.
Lowers cancer risk
Lowering cancer risk is an important aspect of preventive care. Several steps can reduce cancer risk. One of the most important is improving your diet. Certain foods may increase your risk. According to the American Cancer Society, Americans should aim for two and a half cups of fruits and vegetables every day. Limit the amount of processed meat, and choose lean cuts of beef, poultry, and fish. Dietary fiber is another important part of your daily diet.